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Delivery and Returns
Carriage Charges
Standard delivery charge is £55 plus VAT.
Orders with a net value of £2,000 or more qualify for free delivery.
Unloading of Materials
Materials are often delivered on shrink wrapped pallets. It is assumed that the customer has on site suitable equipment to enable the pallets to be offloaded from the lorry. If such equipment is not available please request that materials are delivered by a vehicle equipped with appropriate lifting equipment when placing your order. Delivery may be refused if suitable equipment is not available.
Returns Policy
Due to the technical nature of the products we are unable to accept returned goods. However, in special circumstances, and at the company’s discretion, goods may be returned up to seven days after date of delivery. All items returned must be in re-saleable condition and must have three months of remaining shelf life. A minimum 35% restocking charge plus carriage will be levied. Any returned goods which are not fit for resale will be charged to the customer at full list price. A credit note will be raised for goods accepted for return by the company.
Third Party Logistics
Most deliveries are sub-contracted to third party logistics companies over whom Ronacrete has no control to deliver to a date or time. Where time is of the essence customers are advised to arrange their own collections.
Collections can be made by your own transport between 7.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday from our Harlow depot, Contact the Sales Office to arrange.